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Tennis Group Lessons

  • 10 Jun 2018
  • 21 Jul 2018
  • Oak Meadow Tennis

Lessons (sign up by RSVPing to oakmeadowtennis@gmail.com)

Group Lessons with Coach Gen at Oak Meadow Tennis will start up again on June 11th week and will run through the week of July 16th .In addition, we will have Adult lessons and Progressive starting up. If you don't know which class your child should be in, please feel free to ask.  If there isn't a time listed that is good for you, let me know and we can probably make something work.  

Juniors:  We will also be hosting NJTL on Wednesdays 6pm at our courts.  It's larger class size lesson with 2 coaches. sign up here (9 spots left): http://oakmeadowswimclub.com/event-2904585

ALSO Juniors...we will be having a challenge league for 9 & U starting June 10th to run all Summer with a round robin at the end.  Sign up here for match play junior challenge league:  http://oakmeadowswimclub.com/event-2909996

Progressive: (go ahead and signup online)

Ladies - Tues 8:30am, Thur 6:30pm

Men - Wed 7:30pm  (5 spots left and it starts in 2 weeks)

sign up online here:  http://oakmeadowswimclub.com/events (be sure to look for correct dates as there are events going on with the same name)

Lessons (sign up by RSVPing to this email with date you want)

Men: let me know if you're interested


Tuesday 6:30pm (starts on 12th)

Friday 10am (starts on 15th)


Rookie Racquets (3-5yr) - Fri 9:30 (1/2 hour class)

Future Stars (5-8yr)- Tues 9:30am (starts on 12th), Tues 4:30pm (starts on 12th)

Future Stars Adv - Thur 9:30am (starts on 14th)

Stars (9-11)- Thur 6:00pm (starts on 14th)

Stars Adv - Tues 5:30pm (starts on 12th)

Aces (12-14)- Thur 10:45am (starts on 14th)

Adv Aces - Tues 10:45am (starts on 12th)

HS 101 - let me know if you're interested

Tournament Stars - Wed 5pm (starts on 13th)

Please let me know which lesson to sign up you or your child.


  • Membership $108
  • Lessons –
  •                 Group (1 hour except Rookie Racquets are ½ hr) - $40 memb/$75 non ; Each additional family member: $30 memb/70 non;  $10 drop in rate for memb/$15 non
  •                 Private (1/2 hour) Members: 6 lessons – 120$ ($20ea) or $25 for one lesson;  Nonmembers:  6 lessons - $150 ($25ea) or $30 for one lesson
  • Progressive Leagues:
                Member: $20;  Non: $30 

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